
Exciting news articles, backstage previews, and our video blog... get up close and personal with #Nielsen2019!

#Nielsen2019 Daily — Ep. 5: Behind the scenes!

Meet Jack Graesser, Hans Zachariassen, Duncan Emck, Mark Rump, Soula Parassidis, and Norman Re...

#Nielsen2019 Daily — Ep. 4: Carl Nielsen 101!

He may not have worn sunglasses and a dark leather jacket, but he was actually a bit of a rebe...

#Nielsen2019 Daily — Ep. 3: Chairman

Get up close and personal with the 2019 jury leaders! The experienced chairs comprising Karl H...

#Nielsen2019 Daily — Ep. 2: Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider

Conductor and virtuoso violin soloist with the world’s most-distinguished orchestras, Nikolaj ...

#Nielsen2019 Daily – Ep. 1: Presentation

Sneak behind the scenes of the Carl Nielsen Competition, and get your daily dose of informatio...

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